Friday, October 31, 2008

Thinking about a Short Sale?

Short Sales...that's been a phrase that's been bantered about the past few years. Most people have no idea what it means. To the buyer of a home, it means a long wait and lots of frustration. Check out this article and the accompanying video I saw this evening on WUSA TV. Let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Take Stock

Take stock of your, antiques, valuables. We all know we're supposed to do that, right? Okay, here's the real question....have you?

If you wonder why, think about this...what would you do if your house burned down? Would you be able to list all of your possessions and give an estimate of just how much they're worth? If you're like me, probably not!

There's hope for us though. The Insurance Information Institute has software you can download. Don't forget though, once you've done the work, you'll need to store it someplace safe, like a safety deposit box.

I bet you're thinking it's just way too much work, right? There's help! White House Home Inventory can get the job done for you.

I hope you'll spend some time this fall inventorying your stuff....just in case.